Sunday 29 July 2012

Alcohol is the most dangerous drug

Every weekend thousands, if not millions of people head out on the town to have a drink, some get wasted, some just have a few, but the majority of the general population believe that, while yes alcohol does cause harm, that it is not overly dangerous compared to most "illegal" drugs, however! Studies have shown that alcohol is THE most dangerously weighted drug when its affects on the individual and its effects on the people around that individual are considered!

Alcohol, if it was to be classed as an illegal and controlled substance would be ranked up as Class A, the same as crack cocaine, heroin, LSD, ecstasy and even the naturally growing magic mushrooms.

However! Studies have shown that alcohol is 9 TIMES more dangerous than ecstasy, and that things like magic mushrooms are the least dangerous drugs, yet people still go out and pump their bodies full of this every weekend without knowing the true affects!

Please share this post with everyone you know who goes out drinking, together, we can bring the true dangerous of alcohol abuse to light!

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