Wednesday 28 December 2011


Can't sleep, snuck out to the shed where my boxes are to get my sleeping pills, and woke my grandma up in the process (not good, feel terrible) and guess what? the pills are doing NOTHING

So now i know that when i'm on the train home tomorrow i'll be sure to fall asleep, and miss my stop D:

nothing new has really happened since my last none ranty post,

sarahs found a new friend, so thats good :)

Spending an awful lot of time helping people lately, which as you all know is fine with me :) gives me a chance to stop being "selfish"

Going back up to carlisle tomorrow :D and the new housemate might be there, so it'll be fun to meet him, maybe have a few drinks or something ;) break him into the way of the house :P (by which i mean he'll have to get used to me running off with people i see that i know xD )

Ryan comes back on friday, so gonna go round to his new place and help him build a skeleton (which again, will involve drinks ;) )

leave at five to 4 tomorrow, got so much to do, need to see some people, make sure everything back heres in order.

OOO dunno if i told you all?! im giving a talk on radiography at my old college on the 4th of january :D having that level of responsibility is gonna be weird, i mean, i could turn these kids ONTO or AGAINST my chosen profession and sarahs on about listening in on it :D who knows maybe it'll go well.

Seriously need to sort money out for uni placement D: hopefully i'll be able to up my overdraft when i get back and i'll be able to scrape by, (y) should be okay, i normally am :D

Wow long post now, gonna seriously try and pick up on this blog again now.

not like anyone really reads it xD but ohhh wellll



Tuesday 27 December 2011

not best impressed today

after today, i have zero tolerance for: my mother, religious people who force religion upon you, anyone who is a friend until stuff goes down, and the entire concept of family always coming before friends, while yes to some people family is important, to some people, friends are more like family :)

my mam finally got rid of me today, she's been trying this for months, so now i'm sat in my grandma and grandads front room (bless em) and going back to uni for good tomorrow :)



Sunday 25 December 2011

well, its that awful time of year again

It's christmas, THE worst day of the year, without fail people will be arguing, shouting, throwing things at/with each other

people will eat SHIT loads, and the majority of the population will be walking around with their top button on their jeans undone (except chavs, this is the one time of year they have the right idea)

The average family will have spent $646 this year on gifts (obviously this includes couples who will have spent no more than a tenner and families of 6 that could have spent thousands) so in england THIS year (running of googles "best guess" of 51 million people in england and assuming everyones in a standard 4 person family (big assumption i know, but it makes the math easier)

a whopping $8,236,500,000 has been spent this year on gifts, and to put that into proper money (i.e Stirling ) means a HUGE £5,283,194,303.99 has been spent in england alone,

too think, if that money was saved, each family would be $600 better off this year, which as a student i know for a fact that money is bloody useful.

So this year when you're opening any gifts you have got, or watching someone open a gift you bought, just stop and think, was that spend REALLY worth it? was what you gave really needed, or even WANTED?

i'm sure people will slate me for hating on christmas, but thats fine, its just scary too look at the facts and figures of it all, and there IS a darker side to this"festive" season that i will not go into on this blog :)



merry christmas all

Friday 23 December 2011

anti relgion rant

Right, this is pissing me off something rotten now,

What is it with people FORCING christmas on you? i get it, you're happy because in 2 days is the 2011th anniversary of "jesus christ" BUT IS THAT EVEN WHY YOU'RE HAPPY?! no, probably not, its probably just because of the commercial side of the day, you all expect presents now, and if you don't get what you want you'll go off on some pissy little bitch fit.

well think about this, some people won't be getting ANYTHING this year, and what little they do get they'll be over the moon with, be it a blanket, a new toy, or even something as simple as a hot meal,

so on christmas day when you're all sat around stuffing your faces and end up wasting SOO much food, just remember, some people will be starving and alone this christmas, and if you happen to see someone like that, you'll probably just shun and ignore them like they're not worthy of your attention.

and back to the people that are well off, if someone doesn't WANT to support christmas, because they don't want to, or don't believe in all that religious bull shit, then let them, its their call and unfortunately for you, you can't force them into enjoying the day, or "getting into the spirit" of things.

If someone says they don't want anything for christmas, for WHATEVER REASON, respect their wishes, if you give them something i'm sure they'll act like its just what they wanted, but deep down, they asked for nothing, and feel like they're just being ignored.

This year is my last year at home for christmas, next year i reckon i'll be abroad or just stay up in university.

to those of you who CHOOSE to celebrate christmas, Merry christmas,

for those that don't want to, have a good week or two off work/school/college/university ;D i know i will



Friend of mine sent me this

Its funny because it's true :')

cannot stop laughing

Monday 19 December 2011


Really not been keeping up to date with this blog, Since my last post i've had some insane days and nights, my course mate fell and cut his head open, then that same night he took a swing for me and i think he MAY have broken my nose (its fine, we think i deserved it :P don't really remember) i also went for a night out on friday, NO idea what happened, but according to a Geotagged photo in my phone (and the train ticket) i went to penrith for a short time :) which is always nice to do... i guess

found my old bucket list from when i was 15, it interesting to see what sort of head way i've made

Spend over 50 quid on a night out
Dive the barrier reef
go sky diving
smoke a cigar
get into uni
  pass college  
learn the difference between hypothermia and hyperthermia  
own more than 1 pair of shoes at a time (this one made me laugh)
buy a tweed coat
where said coat for a full day
sex in a hammock (ahem ;) )  
dive deeper than 30 meters
go to the arctic
go to Australia
visit africa
Dive with a whale shark
SEE a shark
see the northern lights
stand near an active volcano
Spend 24 hours in the jungle
Smoke a cuban cigar, in cuba
Spend new years eve in time square
spend a whole day sunbathing on a roof (i remember this day well :') )
Be involved in a protest
  Drive a police car round a race track
Own a Aston martin DB9

obviously i've added too it over the years, and stuck a few more into the mix now (not saying which ones ;) but they're randomly put in there) we'll see how far i've got at the end of uni :D

OH! and i'm going home for christmas tomorrow :D get to see my puppeh tomorrow and my best friend on tuesday  :D :D can't wait