Friday 31 August 2012

Flower of life part 2 nature and structures

Intended to do this tomorrow, but i'm in carlisle, and there's fuck all else to do, so:

My last post finished off talking about the platonic solids and the historical shapes found in the simple flower of life, and the expanded version.

Now i am going to move on to look at the ratios and mathematical constants that can be found within the flower of life, which was first re discovered (wasn't mentioned in my last post, but the Mayans, the Egyptians and many other ancient civilizations knew about the flower of life and its potential, but that's another topic (watch the video on my last post if you're interested in the true history of this symbolic pattern)

In the late 12th, early 13th lived Leonardo Fibonacci, whom was an Italian mathematician, he introduced the "Hindu-Arabic number system" (which we now call the "decimal system") he was well known for many texts that he either published himself, or contributed to, but as far as the flower of life goes, the most important subject Fibonacci contributed to the world was his "Fibonacci sequence" which is actually a very simple sequence where you add the previous two numbers in the list together to form the next (1,2,3,5,8,13 (there's 13 again), 21, 34, 55 ... etc.. however, if you divide any number in the Fibonacci sequence by the number previous to it (such as 55/34) the answer is close to 1.61803, this is known as the golden ratio (or the Phi ratio), and the further away you go from the origin, the nearer you get to this magic number,  1/1 = 1, 2/1 = 2 , 3/2 = 1.5, 5/3 = 1.666, 8/5 = 1.6, 13/8 = 1.625 , 21/13 = 1.6154 etc. no matter how long you continue this sequence, however, you will never quite reach phi, always oscillating from above, to below phi. 

One of the most significant activities that combines the sacred geometry and the Fibonacci sequence is the production of the "golden mean spiral"
The Golden mean was used to aid the design of sacred buildings in ancient  architecture so PRODUCE spiritual energy that aided connectivity with the spiritual realms through prayer, the reality we exist in is very structured, and life is even more structured, this is shown throughout nature in the forms of geometry, geometry is the very basics of our reality, these are always present in our world, the golden mean governs the proportionality of  our world and can be found in what seem to be the most proportion-less living forms.
There are uncountable examples of sacred geometry and golden mean geometry in nature and matter (didn't i just say it governs everything? it does, therefore, uncountable) but some of the clearest examples are:

All types of crystals, both naturally formed and grown by man.
The hexagonal geometry of snowflakes
creatures with logarithmic spiral patterns (snail shells, and various shellfish)
Birds and flying insects, all display clear golden mean proportions in bodies and wings
The geometric molecular and atomic matters evident in all metals
The way a tree branches out so all its branches receive sunlight.

However, one of the most significant (to life anyway) but less obvious example of the golden ratio is in Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA the foundation and guiding mechanism of ALL living organisms on earth (and, if there is life out there, it stands to reason this ratio applies to alien DNA to, even if the building blocks (amino acids, phosphorus and nucleotide bases) are different, it can be assumed the structure will still be based on this golden ratio.

The understanding of geometry as an underlying part of our existence, however, dates back way beyond the time of Fibonacci, the golden mean and many other forms of geometry can be seen embedded in many of the oldest, most ancient  structures that still exist to this day, the oldest, and most significant, is the Great pyramid of giza, the height of the pyramid is in Phi ratio to its base, the geometry in this particular structure, is more accurate than that found in today's modern buildings.  (another very interesting example is in the parthenon in greece, search "NOVA: secrets of the Parthenon" on youtube to learn more, some of the stuff they find is amazing!)

phi present in the Great pyramid of Giza 

This gives reason to why spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemisphere (like that found on a mosque) these particular shapes are energy emitters, they are geometric shapes that produce a type of penetrating energy known as "negative green" ,and act like a radio waves that carry sound information, the vibrationional quality of the golden mean gives these religious buildings very strong communicating properties,  which aid resonance with higher realms in prayer. Religion doesn't seem so full of crap anymore does it?
This golden ratio can be seen everywhere in nature, look at your hand, excluding the thumb, each finger consists of 4 bones, not only does each finger have its own ratio moving up the finger, which is Phi to the next bone, but it oscillates back and forth from the tallest finger to the thumb, again, at this ratio, another coincidence? or more proof of design? This relationship is not just found in your hand either! It is all over your body, moving up the arms and legs, in your face, throughout your entire body!

The greeks understood this ratio in the human design and applied it to their art, they were very precise about this, and you can see when the romans took over greece, the perfection of the statues produced completely disappeared, why? not because the romans weren't good artists, but because they didn't understand the Phi ratio!  you can look up more examples of the Phi ratio in nature (in butterflies is definitely one to look at)

Thats all for now, next time i plan to look at the effects of the golden ratio, Fibonacci and how they relate to music!

Read the flower of life part 1                                                                            Read the flower of life part 3

the flower of life part 1

as many of you will know, recently i've been looking into the things the government are covering up/don't teach us,

in my research i have found many interesting things, but recently i stumbled across this:

This, is the flower of life, it is THE pattern of creation the blue print for life if you will, and it all starts with one circle and expands outwards, this pattern can be found in all major religions of the world, it is how existence itself came into being, WAY before the big bang, so in effect, this pattern, is god, over my next few posts i aim to explain this,

Now, i understand this could be a lot for you to wrap your head round, for years we've been told the universe started with the big bang, but you have to ask yourself, what was in the big bang? and the answer? EVERYTHING, the big bang contained all the matter that's in the universe today (physics tell us that the total energy of the universe is constant, and matter cannot be created our destroyed, only changed from one state to another) science cannot explain where the matter in the big bang came from, the creationists believe that "god created everything" and the creationists with a decent science background could also say "god created the big bang, and left the universe to sort itself out" but this is pure speculation, we simply do not know. This is just one opinion, that i believe to be true, please take time to read this post, and don't believe or disbelieve anything i say, take it as your own and decide on your view from there.

In the beginning there was nothing, absolutely nothing, just a void, with "consciousness" floating around experiencing nothing, (for this to make sense i have to say that all humans are one consciousness as a species, and all the species are linked via consciousness (you can communicate with your cat/dog with your mind if you know how, a little bit of your own research will guide you here (i've tried it, if you take your time and don't rush THIS REALLY WORKS))  

then consciousness created an environment for itself, a 3 dimensional bubble that it could freely travel around in

just like this:

nothing special, just a sphere, however, the radius of this sphere is very important, this is the maximum range of what the consciousness can effect, so to carry on the growth of its existence, consciousness moves to the very edge of its sphere and creates another, of equal radius, and another and another, until eventually the seed of life is developed!
The Seed of Life (a component of the Flower of Life)

you can clearly see all the different circles (ignore the most outer one, that's to end the pattern, this pattern is forever on going and is forever expanding into the void (sounds just like the universe doesn't it?)

Now, this pattern goes on and on, but add one more layer of circles (13 in total (oh, look at that, a number that's considered to have superstitious meaning in society appears so soon in creationism)) you're officially drawing the flower of life, but this 13 circle "flower" cotains a resemblance to the "egg of life" which is the pattern created by the third embryonic division (for those without the science background: sperm and egg fuse, and replicated, 1 becomes 2, then 2 becomes for, then four into eight) and low and behold, the THIRD layer of flower of life resembles (with a bit of joining up)  the THIRD stage of embryonic division, coincidence? or the fact that this pattern is really the blue print for all life on earth?

Image:Egg-of-Life Stages.jpg

so if you continue expanding the flower outwards you eventually get the the pattern i originally showed you:

 (anyone who's studied this in detail will realize there's another shape i've missed, i'm hoping it will flow into my next few posts, if not, look for a special post on the fruit of life)

obviously the pattern can go on and on forever, eternally expanding, but this form is the most common  in all religions, because any more layers was considered to sacred for general use, i haven't expanded the flower beyond this (it is very time consuming drawing all the circles haha) but there is little research behind it due to the level of understanding behind creation being so low.

So that's how the flower of life came into existence, a few of its matches in science, but so far, its just a load of circles, that hopefully i've persuaded you is the blue print for all life on earth.

HOWEVER! it goes much deeper into a world known as "Sacred Geometry" i will go into the basics of this now, but i really suggest you do your own research, its very simple to do! just google "Sacred Geometry" and do a bit of snooping yourself. (this goes for almost everything i talk about in this post, but i will post a useful link to a youtube video that explains a lot of this in more detail)

On the flower of life you might have found your eye automatically started to pick up some patterns, or not, it varies from person to person, hell, from time to time even but there are 5 main shapes of equal lengths on all sides, these are known as the platonic solids and consist of: a tetrahedron (triangular based pyramid) hexahedron (a cube), octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron, these shapes are the ideal, primal models of cyrstal patterns that occur throughout the world of minerals in literally COUNTLESS variations, these shapes are known as "regular polyhedra" and these are the only five, and are made up of equilateral triangles. 

The greeks considered these 5 solids to represent the 5 elements: fire (tetrahedron), earth (cube), air (octahedron) , spirit (also known as ether) [dodecahedron] and water (icosahedron), from here i could go onto the archimedean solids, but thats something you're gonna have to research on your own!
But here is a 2D representation of the platonic solids found in the flower of life  (if you look into this pattern you'll see a lot more than the 9 shapes i actually drew, just from where the lines cross)
if the flower of life is expanded over and over certain shapes begin to show themselves that have references to our worlds history. 

Thats all on the flower of life for now, my next post will be on the Fibonacci sequence and the ratio ph
as promised, that is the link to a video series explaining everything i've touched on, some in less detail than i have, some in more, its four hours long, but well worth the watch

Sunday 12 August 2012

Jet exhaust? Or deadly chemicals

Was observing the sky the other day and noticed how long the plumes of white gas hang around for behind a plane, so did a bit of research, for years I was told that its just when a plane goes through a cloud, then that it was the exhaust fumes, but something didn't add up,

A bit more deeper digging told me that these trails are actually CHEMTRAILS containing lethal chemicals that are sprayed all over the states and most of western Europe if not the world, yet government propergander and smear campaigns (that start in PRIMARY and SRCONDARY schools (so from first year of schooling right up to the 11th year and probably beyond for those who aren't in english schools)) have been telling us that these trails cause no harm, and produce ridiculous stories about it being the things I mentioned before.

Now, I'm not disputing that these things do exist, but in the form of CONTRAILS which are ice crystals formed by coolant in engines, and yes, flying through a cloud will great these contrails but they are VERY short lived and evaporate almost instantly

The government are spraying us with chemicals we know nothing about, and we're expected to not ask questions, and those that do, get fobbed off with crap excuses.

Now, I will explain a little about the dangers of these chemtrails.

Samples of chemtrails have been shown to contain Pseudomonas Fluorescens which the pentagon in the USA have 160 patents for use for in biological warfare and mass inoculation, and is known to cause serious blood infections
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa has also been found in some samples which is a bacteria that attacks the respiratory system causing the lungs to form a thick sticky mucous, this bacterium is linked to bronchitis, meningitis, pneumonia and cystic fibrosis and is known to be VERY ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT

Also A fungus called streptomyces has also turned up in these cocktails, you might recognise streptomycin as it is an antibiotic and its developed using this fungus, this fungus I'd known to cause severe infections in human beings

Finally a special bacillus has also been found that contains DNA restricting enzymes that are only found in science labs, these allow gene splicing and by interrupting the cell division process you increase the likelyhood of errors, and in general terms, errors lead to cancers!

Countries that have reports of spraying include Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Scotland, Spain and the United States. NOTE: This spray list does not include China, Russia nor the Middle East. This is because, in my opinion, the middle east is the new template state for the illuminatis so called "new world order" (google about the NWO for more info)

And what are some off the official reasons behind the spraying? A quick search came up with :
1. protection of the ozone layer,
2. secret military radar blanketing technology,
3. aerosol 'vaccinations' of some sort and
4. some vague reference to 'protection from aliens'

All are very vague and un believable it is my opinion that the true reason for this spraying is:

Weather control (but my research has shown that radiowaves can causing droughts and flooding (anyone noticed the weather around the london Olympics hasn't really disrupted anything it would normally have disrupted? While other parts of the country have had mass down pours)

Mass de population (which I hope this post has opened your eyes to)

Or mass onnoculation, it is possible the government are trying to protect us from bio warfare, but this doesn't seem likely to me

These spraying are done in a cross or grid formation and linger longer than expected and are normally single streams instead of 1 for each engine

Something for you all to think about


Sources: .
Liam Smith
sent from my blackberry smartphone

Thursday 2 August 2012

Dear blogger

Stop censoring my posts
Just because I speak out against the british government does not give you right to stop my posts going through

Whatever happened to freedom of speech?


Liam Smith
sent from my blackberry smartphone