Sunday 20 October 2013

Bloody hell

i'd kinda let this blog fall by the wayside, because i figured people weren't reading it,
a few days ago my grandma told me i was over 12,000 hits so thought i'd pop on to see whats what,

you guys sure have been busy! its great to see so many people reading my blog, not because it means so many people are reading it, but because it shows that more and more people are becoming aware of the state of the world, the more we share this information, the faster the information gets out, and between us,  we can expose the lies in the world for what they really are.

too be honest i wasn't expecting to post today, but i wanted to show my appreciation to each and every one of you thats read my blog over the years, and i hope to be picking it up again now (third year of uni! :O almost about to be released into the big wild world!)

Peace and love to you all