Friday 30 November 2012

Interesting fact

This month i had 573 views on my blog
Thats an average of 19.1 a day
That means more people read my blog in a day than people I associate with on a regular basis
Maybe I need to meet more people :P

Thursday 29 November 2012

Self coded log on screen

So i was bored, and felt like doing a bit of programming to pass the time, so i wrote a program that starts on windows start up asking for a password:

Screen user will see upon Windows startup / starting program
User gets 3 chances to enter correct password otherwise windows will shut down (screen cannot be closed, even through task manager) (if computer is rebooted the program will just restart, meaning there is no way around it (well, there is, but i'm not sharing that ;) ))

Upon entering correct password user sees this window - left button opens Firefox, right button opens Spotify

Print screen of some of the code =]


what are they hiding?

commercial airliner with the potential to fly at 8'493.76ms^-1 (19000mph)
at the moment a commercial airlines maximum altitude is 12'192 meters,
the speed of sound at this altitude  is 295.1ms^-1, (anyone who doesn't know, speed of sound depends on the mediums ability to transmit vibrations, higher up = less densely pact air molecules = slower transmission)  this is constant up till 20000 meters
This means that the planned airliner will be flying at 28.78 times the speed of sound (possibly  more, the article says "upper atmosphere" (clearly written for morons who have no idea about the different levels of atmosphere, but i assume it means the upper troposphere  (max altitude of 17000m))

if this technology is becoming commercially available, and it is well known that military technology leads commercial technology, and the fastest (official) horizontal military flight was an UNMANNED jet flying at 5'811.52 ms^-1, what sort of aircraft do the military have that they're not sharing?

and what would they need to move that fast?

Wednesday 28 November 2012

How to lose 10 stone in 2-3 months

This is my own personal experience, it may seem like i'm saying this WILL work, but you undertake this method at your own risk and i have no proof this working for anyone other than me.

Spent long enough listening to people going on and on and on about their diets!

"i can eat this.." "If i have this i can't have something else"

you're all morons, the BEST way to lose weight is simple, and you all know it, but you try and dress it up with names, and methods and guides, and books, EAT LESS!

Obviously a bit more complicated than this but before i get started, here's some pictures:

On the left, is me, in June 2010, 18 stone (114.305 kg) , on the right is me, June 2012 11.8 stone (75kg)
unfortunately this is the best picture of me at 18 stone, but i weighed exactly the same when i started university, and stuck to a strict student diet (beer, pizza, burgers, sausages etc.) until I decided it was time for me to start losing weight  (in April (by decided i mean i ran out of money, this is when i found out the true secret to weight loss)) I lost 10 stone in 2 months, and here's how:

First! calculate how many calories you burn at rest (your Basal Metabolic Rate) this is basically how many calories you would burn if you stayed in bed all day and watched tv.

now, there are two ways you can do this either:
via a formula
or there are many websites that will do it for you, for the sake of this blog i will use this websites calculator based on my 21 stone weight and my height of 6 ft 2 inches

Plugging these numbers into the calculator along with age  and gender (this is important! men burn more calories at rest than women, so if a man chooses the wrong one, he'll loose weight faster, if a woman does, she'll loose weight slower) gave me (at 23stone) a BMR of 2546.56 this means, if, at 23 stone, I'd have laid in bed all day i would have burnt almost 2500 calories.

Secondly! eat less calories than that, its simple as that, i successfully did this on eating just tuna and rice for a month, and lost my first 2.5 stone, then i got some money, and started eating burgers again, but ALWAYS making sure my calorie intake never breached this magic 2500 (for example. a double whopper with small fries and a small drink is 1430 calories, meaning after a burger king i had 1000 calories left for the day)

I KNOW we're told that calorie counting is bad, and the first week of this is torture, you're starving all the time, but there are ways around this, drinking water, for example very few calories but fills your stomach sufficiently, (also, drinking water has been linked to weight loss) and (which in my case this was VITAL) its free! haha.

But eventually, you begin to learn, your body adapts, your stomach shrinks so you feel full off less, and the calorie counting can stop completely (i read labels for a month, because i had to make sure i was getting enough food to survive and function (anyone who reads this blog a lot will know that i blacked out at some point in this process, on account of i messed up on my intake one day (only ate lunch the previous day, didn't have time for breakfast ) ) and you will start learning what your body needs to survive, exactly the same as all the other animals on this planet, (we humans are the only animals who don't have to hunt/forage for food any more, we go to the supermarket) this is a natural instinct that is suppressed in us because we only need to open a fridge to find some food, but given time these instincts will come back, your body knows what it needs, it just needs reminding.

Thirdly, and i think most importantly, go to bed hungry, its during the night the body converts excess food into fat, and when you're asleep, you don't feel hungry at all, and the body is still respiring, so is still burning calories, many of us eat tea (evening meal) as the main meal, however, despite being told that breakfast is the most important meal, it is LUNCH that is most important, breakfast merely has to get you to lunch (whole grain toast/oat biscuits are great for this) then lunch is when you pig out (if you want to speed up the process drink 2 tall glasses of water prior to the meal, you will feel fuller sooner)

ever since i lost the 10 stone, my weight has been comfortably sat between 65-80 kg (i had to prove my theory to myself so reversed it, calculating how many calories i burnt a day, and making sure i ate more than that and put on 10 kg in a week, i then returned to eating what my body said i needed and i went back to 75 kg (which is where it generally hovers around))

now, all this sounds ruthless, horrible, but i haven't mentioned the best part yet,

you could sit and pig on 2500 calories worth of chocolate a day (not ideal obviously) and this would work
its not WHAT you eat, its HOW MUCH!

There is one key rule to this method however, and that is sleep, not how much, but how hungry you are when you go to sleep, when you sleep, you are burning less energy than your BMR, this means there will be excess energy in your system than needed to run your system, this food, is stored as fat, so the last meal of the day, has to be at lunch time, the cut off seems to be about 3 o'clock, after this, there will be more energy in your system when you go into this "low energy state" so it will be stored as fat.

Since doing this my stamina, energy and strength had increased so much (due to the rapid weight loss, i still have the muscle tone of someone who's got 18 stone of weight dragging him down, but minus 6 stone.

Fuck fad diets, fuck nutritionists , fuck surgery,  go back to your instincts

Saturday 17 November 2012

Last month

Last month i was excited because i'd gotten over 300 views by the end of the month all most, this month i've got 340 ish by halfway through, ad i've done little self promotion this month

Thanks to all those that share my blog, the united states are in the top 40% of my views, and UK are about 36% keep pushing, we'll get the word out soon

Thursday 15 November 2012

The state of the educational system shocks me

As a university student every day i walk past people, talk to people and associate with people, that are all blinded by the fact that their at university, and to them, this makes  them "intelligent" or "clever"

All it means, is that for the past 20 something years of their life, they've been very good at regurgitating information onto an exam paper and believing everything they're told by a teacher because teachers are supposed to be "intelligent"

But I can assure you, this is NOT the case!

My mother is a primary school teacher, and through her i have met a lot of different teachers, primary, secondary some college that were/are/will be her colleagues, and i can assure you, most of them are morons (Not to say all of them are, i lived with a couple of PGCE students last year who were very intelligent, so maybe it was just our generation they wanted to fuck over mentally)

They're very good at regurgitating what information they're told they have to teach, but try and engage them in a spirited conversation on the topic with a bit more depth, you see their "knowledge" crumble in seconds and you see them for the brainwashed idiots the system has turned them into.

FORTUNATELY a lot of people have the sense to get OUT of the education system after university (something else that's pointless. but i'll get to that) and get a job, with real thoughts and not just saying the same thing year in year out, and eventually, when they've had enough of their career  , they go into teaching for something to do.

But we sit in the educational system for about 22-23 years max, and all for what? A PIECE OF PAPER! i'm doing a diagnostic radiography degree, this means what? that i get training in taking x-rays yes, but what do i get to prove it? a piece of paper that says "Liam Smith has passed a degree wherein he could regurgitate the knowledge of radiography back onto an exam and in essays"

Some people have LOTS of pieces of paper, and they think that makes them much more intelligent that someone else, and some people have none, and this makes them feel stupid, IT IS JUST ANOTHER FORM OF SEGREGATION! you can't get a "well paid" job without a degree: "Oh, no degree? stacking shelves for you pal! " yet someone without that degree could be MUCH more skilled at the job, they're just lacking a crappy piece of paper!

the sooner people realize the educational system is just a brainwashing, controlling and segregating entity the better

It actually upsets me how many
people are blind to their fate


Tuesday 13 November 2012

Taken from the before its news website (link at the bottom)

ICELAND. No news from the Icelandic Revolution?
No news from Iceland? Why? How come we hear everything that happens in Egypt but no news about what’s happening in Iceland:
In Iceland, the people has made the government resign, the primary banks have been nationalized, it was decided to not pay the debt that these created with Great Britain and Holland due to their bad financial politics and a public assembly has been created to rewrite the constitution. And all of this in a peaceful way. A whole revolution against the powers that have created the current global crisis. This is why there hasn’t been any publicity during the last two years: What would happen if the rest of the EU citizens took this as an example? What would happen if the US citizens took this as an example.

This is a summary of the facts:
  • 2008. The main bank of the country is nationalized.
    1. The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market stops.
    2. The country is in bankruptcy.
    3. The citizens protest in front of parliament and manage to get new elections that make the resignation of the prime minister and his whole government.
    4. The country is in bad economic situation.
    5. A law proposes paying back the debt to Great Britain and Holland through the payment of 3,500 million euros, which will be paid by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with a 5.5% interest.
  • 2010. The people go out in the streets and demand a referendum.
    1. In January 2010 the president denies the approval and announces a popular meeting.
    2. In March the referendum and the denial of payment is voted in by 93%.
    3. Meanwhile the government has initiated an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis
    4. Many high level executives and bankers are arrested.
    5. The Interpol dictates an order that make all the implicated parties leave the country.
In this crisis an assembly is elected to rewrite a new Constitution which can include the lessons learned from this, and which will substitute the current one (a copy of the Danish Constitution).
25 citizens are chosen, with no political affiliation, out of the 522 candidates. For candidacy all that was needed was to be an adult and have the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly starts in February of 2011 to present the ‘carta magna’ from the recommendations given by the different assemblies happening throughout the country. It must be approved by the current Parliament and by the one constituted through the next legislative elections.
So in summary of the Icelandic revolution:
  1. Resignation of the whole government.
  2. Nationalization of the bank.
  3. Referendum so that the people can decide over the economic decisions.
  4. Incarcerating the responsible parties.
  5. Rewriting of the constitution by its people.
This move is what got Julius Ceasar killed in ancient Rome. He reduced the mortgage debt of the population by 50%. This would be a viable solution to the problem. Bank shareholders and holders of mortgage debt instruments would suffer, so your life insurance policy and retirement savings might become worthless, but your house would be clear title. This is awesome.
It shows when the people DO STAND UP they have more power and win against the corrupt bankers and politicians of a country. Iceland is forgiving and erasing the mortgage debt of the population. They are putting the bankers and politicians on the “Bench of the Accused.” Which means I assume they are putting them on trial for corruption.
Now the rest of people of the world need to start doing the same thing. We all need to stand up and against all the corruption and fraud of politicians that are puppets of the banks and corporations. The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population.
This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the population and to put politicians and bankers on the bench of the accused three years after their financial excesses would sank one of the most prosperous economies in 2008.
Have we been informed of this through the media? Has any political program in radio or TV commented on this? No! The Icelandic people have been able to show that there is a way to beat the system and has given a democracy lesson to the world!

Share this! we have to get the news out!
we can make a change

Monday 12 November 2012

Not my research but its been a while since i last posted

There are many theories/beliefs about how humans came to be on Earth. Some people believe in the Creationist theories while others believe we we 'evolved out of Primordial ooze'. Well, today we are going to discuss a 3rd theory. I'm not asking you to automatically believe what you're about to read, but I am asking you to keep an open mind about it, and to research what I tell you. YOU NEVER KNOW.

Do you know your bloodtype? Every human on this planet has either blood type O, A, B, or AB, and within these types, you either have RH positive or RH negative blood. The Rhesus (Rh) factor refers to a specific antigen in the blood. If your blood lacks the Rh antigen, you are Rh-negative. If your blood has the antigen, you are Rh positive.

RH Negative blood types are one of the most fascinating subjects I've ever researched. In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had except in the case of mutation. We can have any of numerous combinations of traits inherited from all our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less. Therefore, if man and ape had evolved from a common ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors are transmitted with much more exactitude than any other characteristic. All other earthly primates also have this Rh factor. So, if all mankind evolved from the same ancestor, their blood should be compatible. Do you get what I'm saying? I believe, (and many others including certain Scientists also believe) that RH Negative humans DISPROVE the theory of evolution! If we had all evolved from Apes or Monkeys, we would all have the same blood. We don't! RH Positive blood can be traced back to the Rhesis monkey and all other primates, but RH negative blood CANNOT. In fact, it cannot be traced anywhere else in nature.

When the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive, the fetus can inherit the Rh factor from the father. Thus making the fetus Rh positive as well. If that happens, an RH negative Mother may abort the fetus. Why? For the same reasons you can't mate a Mule with a Mule to create another Mule. Just like you can't breed a pair of Ligers to produce another Liger. All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative size and color makes no difference. But, you cannot breed two mixed species together. If you do, you get something called Haemolytic disease. This is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. Why would a mother's body reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. This fact alone points to the distinct possibility of a cross-breeding between two similar, but genetically different species.

The thing is, hardly anyone has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Most people familiar with blood factors, assume these people must be a mutation if not descendants of a different ancestor. If we are a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have Rh negative blood and about 60% carry one RH negative gene. The average among most people is only 157%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin Jew also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood, although again the Rh negative blood is rare among most black people. The origin of the Basques is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European language. Some believe that Basque was the original language of the book of Genesis. Some believe it was the original language of the world and possibly, of one of the ancient ET races.

Here are some commonly found traits of RH Negative people:

A feeling of not belonging
Truth seekers
Sense of a "Mission" in life
Empathy & Compassion for Mankind
An extra rib or vertebra.
Higher than average IQ
ESP Ability
Love of Space & Science
More sensitive vision & other senses.
Increased of psychic/intuitive abilities
Cannot be cloned
Lower body temperature
Higher blood pressure (some say lower)
Predominantly blue, green, or Hazel eyes
Red or reddish tint to hair color
Increased sensitivity to heat & sunlight
Unexplained Scares
Piercing Eyes
Tend to be Healers
Empathetic Illnesses
Ability to disrupt electrical devices
Prone to Alien Abductions
Experience unexplained phenomenon
Physic Dreams and/or Ability

Here are some commonly found Personality Characteristics. (According to the Japanese who take this very seriously in their culture, a persons RH factor makes no difference when it comes to personality characteristics.. So, even RH Positive blooded people, may exhibit the same personality characteristics of RH Negative people with the same bloodtype.)

Type O- You want to be a leader, and when you see something you want, you keep striving until you achieve your goal. You are a trend-setter, loyal, passionate, and self-confident. Your weaknesses include vanity and jealously and a tendency to be too competitive.

Type A- You like harmony, peace and organization. You work well with others, and are sensitive, patient and affectionate. Among your weaknesses are stubbornness and an inability to relax.

Type B- You're a rugged individualist, who's straight forward and like to do things your own way. Creative and flexible, you adapt easily to any situation. But your insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.

Type AB- Cool and controlled, you're generally well liked and always put people at ease. You're a natural entertainer who's tactful and fair. But you're standoffish, blunt, and have difficulty making decisions.

  Personally, I believe RH negatives are the survivors of Atlantis and/or Lumeria. (It would also explain the Basques and RH negative Egyptian mummies)  I realize this is hard to digest, but I do hope you research it further. I believe there is far more about our history than what meets the eye. The only way we will uncover how we really got here, is by looking at ALL the evidence and by keeping an open mind. Remember, Fact is often stranger than Fiction. 
I plan to look into this :P

Friday 9 November 2012

 Citizens of the world, we are Anonymous
You chose on October the 20th to make #OpBigBrother voice surround worldwide to inform people about the threatens of surveillance systems on their Freedom.
We are now in times when stakes about both individual and common liberties are critical.
Smack in the middle of an economic and social crisis, we have adjourned our attention about those matters, we forgot such atmospheres often lead to threatens on our fundamental Rights.
We call you once again to act against systems of the almighty Surveillance State.
You noticed, how many efforts governments deploy to mark and spy people worldwide.
They plan to use technology to know everything about citizens including : who is who, who do what and with whom, as well in real life and the Internet.
Moreover, our governments are about to demolish Privacy with Systems like Trapwire and Indect.
Those network surveillance technologies sniff the CCTV cameras, government databases and the Internet to identify people and make a profile of citizens, their families and their socializing. Governments also want to silence us with projects like cleanIT. They are planning to take control of the internet using Deep Packet Inspection engines like CAS system. They work with lobbies to install censorship with laws like ACTA, CETA, SOPA, PIPA or CISPA.
Governments pretend to design those systems for security reasons, but every people able to access and understand information on those matters should stand up against a society of global control on the citizens that is being drawn.
Included in the global action of Anonymous, #OpBigBrother is working to inform populations on systems designed to watch and control them !
It's time to act, it's time to show the governments of the World, who we are, it's time to show humanity stands as united, it is time to show what freedom means to us.
We call you to prepare for the next Worldwide Day of Action against surveillance planned for December the 8th 2012. A way to make it successful is to follow a few advises to awake people, and make them join.
Protips : ( rythmer la vidéo pour appuyer ces protips - rythm on video to accentuate protips)
Organize locally and spread information everywhere you can,
Make paperstorms to inform citizens about those matters,
Publish informative posters everywhere you can on the Internet,
Make Graffitis and chalking in order to display the operation in the streets
Relay information on what's happening to your anon comrades
Always focus on others' safety as well as yours
Work on making the protest peaceful
People unable to protest on that date are invited to make informative paperstorms. Try to find ways to awake the interest of ordinary people, using creative communication materials and actions.
Act now and spread the word in your mother tongue, enter your Countries and Cities, in the pad linked on the description of this video once you can organise things.
Governments are supposed to defend the interest of their peoples. They are not here to cheat the citizens.
It's our Freedom and our privacy.
Resist and build together, because we are the sons of the Resistance
Let us unite the whole humanity as one.
Let it be the largest protests of the world history.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
We are the people
We are the only system,
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us
It's just the beginning...

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Ten signs you are awake

Here are ten signs you may be fully awake:

1. You know there's no meaningful difference between major political parties (Democrats and Republicans): It's so easy to get caught up the left-right debate and believe there's a difference between the two major political parties. However, debate is one thing, while actions are another. By their deeds you shall know them, and it is indisputable that there is no significant difference between political parties when it comes to action on the most important issues. Even hardened ideologues like John Cusack are beginning to wake up.

2. You understand that the Federal Reserve, or international central banking more broadly, is the engine of our economic problems: Debt slavery is the totalitarian force that threatens all of humanity, not some temporary political puppet or some greedy Wall Street trader. When a small group of people have the ability to create wealth out of nothing and charge interest on it, they have the ability to enslave the planet to their ownership despite what type of government a country claims to have.

3. You know that preemptive war is never necessary: When we realize that self-defense is the only acceptable form of violence, then we become awakened human beings. To suggest war because someone is different from you, or they may pose a threat in the future is simply ludicrous. And when did the idea of bombing civilians become humanitarian? No one wants war except for the immoral creeps that benefit from it.

4. You know that you're being systematically poisoned, how, by whom, and why: Admittedly, there's a lot to learn in terms of how we are secretly being poisoned. But the fact remains that we are being systematically poisoned, and it is likely for the deliberate purpose of dumbing us down and, ultimately, culling the population. Who could believe anyone is so evil to do that to innocent people, you may ask. Well, once you begin to seek the answer to that question, you're one step closer to enlightenment.

5. You understand that government can never legislate morality, nor should they: When you realize the role of government is only to protect your liberty and work for the well being of the citizens, you're awakened. There should be one simple law regulating morality: Do no harm. Thus, it's impossible for the government to enforce morality with guns, cages, and taxes because those clearly cause severe harm to your liberty and our well-being.

6. You know that the mainstream media is wholly owned and manipulated by the ruling elite: A dwindling number of people still actually believe what they hear coming from the establishment media as if it's gospel, even when they already accept that they are bought and paid for by the elite controllers. Yet, recognizing that they are nothing more than a propaganda machine and a form of mind control are the first steps in being able to critically think beyond the scientific messaging they broadcast.

7. You know that your neighbors are not your enemy even if you have fierce ideological disagreements: This is perhaps the most difficult thing to overcome in the awakening process. But it's vital to understand that your neighbors have been indoctrinated and hypnotized like the rest of the us, until someone helps shine a light on inconsistencies in our thoughts and beliefs. Most of their ideas are not their own. They are suffering just like the rest of us. It's okay to condemn their actions if they're harmful, but those who are awake will not give up on spreading information that can enlighten those who might still be in the dark. None of us were born "awake" and all of us can learn even more.

8. You know that the endgame is one-world control of planet Earth: Once you understand that the endgame for the ruling elite is to have complete control of all vital facets of society through a global government, one-world currency, international armed forces, and so on, it is simple to see through the lies and propaganda surrounding even the most confusing world events. You will never go back to sleep when you fully accept this reality.

9. You recognize that there are esoteric powers manipulating our physical world: Whether you're a religious or spiritual person, scientific or just plain curious, there are many theories about an invisible force at play in all of this. Obviously it's impossible to prove exactly what it is. You may not want to believe it, but the ruling elite takes their occult rituals deadly serious. And they likely know something we don't. Just by keeping an open mind about this possibility, you'll forever keep an open mind about the things we can actually see, hear, taste and touch. Current science has shown that we can only "see" what the visible light spectrum reveals, which amounts to the tiniest fraction of all that can theoretically be seen within the full spectrum of energy. Part of any awakening is realizing that there is much more that is possible than impossible.

10. The power to change the world rests with you and you alone: For too long people have believed themselves to be weak, or relied on others to change the world for them. You'll know that you're fully awake when you realize that you have infinite power to change the world by simply living the change you want to see. First, you have to identify the principles that you believe in and then go out and live by them. If just a small minority took steps to do this, it would shake the establishment to its core.

What kind of world do you want to live in?

WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE! before its too late...


Saturday 3 November 2012

Okay, listen, aliens in the white house? no

There's been a lot of talk about the potential Mick Romney (or whatever he's called, i shall refer to him as devil number 2, because you are voting for one of 2 evils, and Obama is currently in house ) running for the United States presidency, is potentially an alien because; he was born in 1947, and the reported crash in Roswell was in 1947, Also, people are saying that because Roswell is in new Mexico, and DN2 father is from Mexico, this means that he came down in the crash and finally, his supposed beliefs that god lives on another planet.

I will start by addressing the points in the rumor before debunking the theory with the true facts (don't worry, for those who are, more wordly educated, who aren't sheep basically, this is not a "yey government rule" post, don't lose interest just yet)

firstly, the date, is pure coincidence millions of people were born in  that year, all over the world, it stands to reason that statistically, one of those millions would at some point run for president.

Secondly, the new mexico, mexico connection, is purely looking for things that COULD be there and jumping to conclusions, there is no social, or physical, direct link between these two areas, if an alien wished to invade and take the country, it wouldn't need to risk having a foreign relative as a father to potentially come under scrutiny,  this is just the way devil no. 2s' life panned out for him and he ended up in this power, because of his blood line, his education, his connections, who knows, well, he does, but the questions are avoided

Finally, devil number 2 openly discusses a "god" being on another planet, but this is not a new religious belief, there were people for years who believed the devil watched from below us and god was physically above us observing and waiting for us, and there are videos of all the, alive, old presidents (bar obama) standing in red robes, in front of a great stone owl, towards a flaming pit. This is derived from satanism, so if they believe in the devil below, it makes sense for them to believe in the god above, but maybe they see that someone actually within/on the earth has greater influence than someone above with no means of direct contact?

Now, for my own evidence, all the major governing corporations and banks,are only after one thing, and that, is power,the question is, would the governments really willingly give up control to another being they don't have anything in common with other than desire for power? All the major political members/bankers in the world are all from inbred families, while not to say they're not all related (there's evidence on this, but not compelling) but they're from the sort of families that marry each other to cousins, distant relatives, hell, even close family, to keep the money, power, and more importantly, gold, in the family, they would not happily give up the rights to own the people unless there was something beneficial in their doing so, I hardly think they'd trust a being that had the technology to visit our planet, and then theres the sacred DNA structures they want to keep present, but again, evidence is not fully compelling on this. 

As we know the government are liars and corrupt, they will do anything to keep us off the trail of what they truly do, and as more and more people (i believe the term is "waking up") are waking up, they need to find a way to distract those that are looking for the conspiracy, we have to question everything, and do our own research, this is why you can't base everything you know off one source, like a lot of people do, you have to look past potential lies that are their to throw us off the trail, this is a prime "leaked" story to distract us from the real corruption, the people we fight against have been in power for years, they're very clever.
