Thursday 15 November 2012

The state of the educational system shocks me

As a university student every day i walk past people, talk to people and associate with people, that are all blinded by the fact that their at university, and to them, this makes  them "intelligent" or "clever"

All it means, is that for the past 20 something years of their life, they've been very good at regurgitating information onto an exam paper and believing everything they're told by a teacher because teachers are supposed to be "intelligent"

But I can assure you, this is NOT the case!

My mother is a primary school teacher, and through her i have met a lot of different teachers, primary, secondary some college that were/are/will be her colleagues, and i can assure you, most of them are morons (Not to say all of them are, i lived with a couple of PGCE students last year who were very intelligent, so maybe it was just our generation they wanted to fuck over mentally)

They're very good at regurgitating what information they're told they have to teach, but try and engage them in a spirited conversation on the topic with a bit more depth, you see their "knowledge" crumble in seconds and you see them for the brainwashed idiots the system has turned them into.

FORTUNATELY a lot of people have the sense to get OUT of the education system after university (something else that's pointless. but i'll get to that) and get a job, with real thoughts and not just saying the same thing year in year out, and eventually, when they've had enough of their career  , they go into teaching for something to do.

But we sit in the educational system for about 22-23 years max, and all for what? A PIECE OF PAPER! i'm doing a diagnostic radiography degree, this means what? that i get training in taking x-rays yes, but what do i get to prove it? a piece of paper that says "Liam Smith has passed a degree wherein he could regurgitate the knowledge of radiography back onto an exam and in essays"

Some people have LOTS of pieces of paper, and they think that makes them much more intelligent that someone else, and some people have none, and this makes them feel stupid, IT IS JUST ANOTHER FORM OF SEGREGATION! you can't get a "well paid" job without a degree: "Oh, no degree? stacking shelves for you pal! " yet someone without that degree could be MUCH more skilled at the job, they're just lacking a crappy piece of paper!

the sooner people realize the educational system is just a brainwashing, controlling and segregating entity the better

It actually upsets me how many
people are blind to their fate


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