Wednesday 28 November 2012

How to lose 10 stone in 2-3 months

This is my own personal experience, it may seem like i'm saying this WILL work, but you undertake this method at your own risk and i have no proof this working for anyone other than me.

Spent long enough listening to people going on and on and on about their diets!

"i can eat this.." "If i have this i can't have something else"

you're all morons, the BEST way to lose weight is simple, and you all know it, but you try and dress it up with names, and methods and guides, and books, EAT LESS!

Obviously a bit more complicated than this but before i get started, here's some pictures:

On the left, is me, in June 2010, 18 stone (114.305 kg) , on the right is me, June 2012 11.8 stone (75kg)
unfortunately this is the best picture of me at 18 stone, but i weighed exactly the same when i started university, and stuck to a strict student diet (beer, pizza, burgers, sausages etc.) until I decided it was time for me to start losing weight  (in April (by decided i mean i ran out of money, this is when i found out the true secret to weight loss)) I lost 10 stone in 2 months, and here's how:

First! calculate how many calories you burn at rest (your Basal Metabolic Rate) this is basically how many calories you would burn if you stayed in bed all day and watched tv.

now, there are two ways you can do this either:
via a formula
or there are many websites that will do it for you, for the sake of this blog i will use this websites calculator based on my 21 stone weight and my height of 6 ft 2 inches

Plugging these numbers into the calculator along with age  and gender (this is important! men burn more calories at rest than women, so if a man chooses the wrong one, he'll loose weight faster, if a woman does, she'll loose weight slower) gave me (at 23stone) a BMR of 2546.56 this means, if, at 23 stone, I'd have laid in bed all day i would have burnt almost 2500 calories.

Secondly! eat less calories than that, its simple as that, i successfully did this on eating just tuna and rice for a month, and lost my first 2.5 stone, then i got some money, and started eating burgers again, but ALWAYS making sure my calorie intake never breached this magic 2500 (for example. a double whopper with small fries and a small drink is 1430 calories, meaning after a burger king i had 1000 calories left for the day)

I KNOW we're told that calorie counting is bad, and the first week of this is torture, you're starving all the time, but there are ways around this, drinking water, for example very few calories but fills your stomach sufficiently, (also, drinking water has been linked to weight loss) and (which in my case this was VITAL) its free! haha.

But eventually, you begin to learn, your body adapts, your stomach shrinks so you feel full off less, and the calorie counting can stop completely (i read labels for a month, because i had to make sure i was getting enough food to survive and function (anyone who reads this blog a lot will know that i blacked out at some point in this process, on account of i messed up on my intake one day (only ate lunch the previous day, didn't have time for breakfast ) ) and you will start learning what your body needs to survive, exactly the same as all the other animals on this planet, (we humans are the only animals who don't have to hunt/forage for food any more, we go to the supermarket) this is a natural instinct that is suppressed in us because we only need to open a fridge to find some food, but given time these instincts will come back, your body knows what it needs, it just needs reminding.

Thirdly, and i think most importantly, go to bed hungry, its during the night the body converts excess food into fat, and when you're asleep, you don't feel hungry at all, and the body is still respiring, so is still burning calories, many of us eat tea (evening meal) as the main meal, however, despite being told that breakfast is the most important meal, it is LUNCH that is most important, breakfast merely has to get you to lunch (whole grain toast/oat biscuits are great for this) then lunch is when you pig out (if you want to speed up the process drink 2 tall glasses of water prior to the meal, you will feel fuller sooner)

ever since i lost the 10 stone, my weight has been comfortably sat between 65-80 kg (i had to prove my theory to myself so reversed it, calculating how many calories i burnt a day, and making sure i ate more than that and put on 10 kg in a week, i then returned to eating what my body said i needed and i went back to 75 kg (which is where it generally hovers around))

now, all this sounds ruthless, horrible, but i haven't mentioned the best part yet,

you could sit and pig on 2500 calories worth of chocolate a day (not ideal obviously) and this would work
its not WHAT you eat, its HOW MUCH!

There is one key rule to this method however, and that is sleep, not how much, but how hungry you are when you go to sleep, when you sleep, you are burning less energy than your BMR, this means there will be excess energy in your system than needed to run your system, this food, is stored as fat, so the last meal of the day, has to be at lunch time, the cut off seems to be about 3 o'clock, after this, there will be more energy in your system when you go into this "low energy state" so it will be stored as fat.

Since doing this my stamina, energy and strength had increased so much (due to the rapid weight loss, i still have the muscle tone of someone who's got 18 stone of weight dragging him down, but minus 6 stone.

Fuck fad diets, fuck nutritionists , fuck surgery,  go back to your instincts


  1. I think that i will go and drink lots of water now instead of eating and counting how many calaries i should have

  2. surely fat in food plays a part? i could munch on giant cuscus up until 2500 calories and have taken in less than 10g fat (ish) whereas chocolate would give me fat intake in the 10s of grams. an interesting read kudos to you, i will be aiming to lose 6 stone from 22 stone and will definitely take away some of your tips.

    1. Tested your theory over the past few days, friday i ate a pack of noodles only (wasn't hungry) yesterday ate 2 full 500g packs of bacon, 4 eggs and cheese all fried up in oil (was rather hungover) all eaten over the course of the day but nothing after 5, since thursday i've lost just over half a stone (not a fair test i know but best i can provide :P )

      assume fatty foods will add more fat to your body if eaten at wrong times, but a "cheat" day where you let yourself have fun every now and then isn't gonna do any harm :)

  3. Ive started this and in first couple of days I lost 6lb. I have onlu done 3 days so far. After 3 is not too bad if you drink water. Its all in your head. Fat or thin. Thin always wins

  4. It would make sense that fat makes a difference, but from what i've learned since doing this, that you can eat pretty much anything (within reason obviously, don't go pigging out every day) providing its not too late in the day, you will have used up most of the energy from the food (fat is just another form of energy) when you go to sleep and you will not gain too much weight, pleased to see that people are using these tips, anyone got any progress reports?

  5. high fat count doesn't mean anything, fat does not become body fat... fat holds roughly 9 calories per gram, where as carbs and protein hold about 4. so yes you could consume 2500 calories of chocolate, or 2500 calories worth of giant cuscus (as someone mentioned above), it doesnt make a difference to your calorie deficit! but since theres less calories per gram in carbs, there would be more volume of cuscus to consume to make up to 2500 calories and you wont feel as hungry.

  6. This sounds great. I'm going to start this tomorrow. I'm hoping to lose 2-3 stone by June so fingers crossed it all works :) and ill be back with some results for u. This sounds so much simpler than all the other diets dressed up. So thanks for the tips that r so obvious That we don't spot them. Lol

  7. This might just be the start of a new me,

  8. Hi, does this actually work? If I weight 16.6 stones right now, can I really lose 6 stones in two months?

  9. Hi Liam, I see that you haven't been online/made any posts at all this year but I hope you still manage to respond to this. I start uni in about 9 weeks and I am the exact same weight you were before you started this diet and I have been doing the lighter life diet which i haven't stuck to mainly because i started a new job and it was stressful as a mofo and all this shit you won't care about but anywhoooo, I am back on track. The diet consists of eating 4 foodpacks a day from bars to soups, milkshakes to expandable food (lol) so pretty much space food haha, it works out so that you consume around 600 calories a day (meaning each pack is about 170 calories- which actually sounds so unhealthy but its not because each pack contains all the nutrients and vitamins you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle). however you aren't allowed to eat any normal food and ESPECIALLY NOT CARBS, its meant so that your body goes into a state of ketosis which is where because of the lack of carbs one is eating the body has no other option but to turn to burning fat for energy - hence the rapid weight loss -but unfortunately even if i stick to this diet for 2 months i still will not be able to lose 6 stone, probably only about 3 maybe 4 if i'm super lucky. SO i was curious to see if you think that applying your regime to my diet would work. which means eating the 4 foodpacks (600 calories) each day but all before 3-5pm and obviously shit tonnes of water which is part of my diet anywayy. Do you reckon that I could still lose as much weight as you did in the next 9 weeks? or do you think that eating carbs/ way more than 600 calories is crucial to this weight loss regime?
    Also i calculated my BMR and it comess to 1989.85.- and yeah i am a girl so idk if that means weight loss would even slower? I was also wondering if you did any exercise at all?

  10. Probably one of the most honest blogs I've read the diet industry is full of horse shit just trying to sell pills and products they don't actually care if anyone loses weight just pounds in their pockets but you've sorted this out in your own head and made it work for u well done Ur a inspiration :)

  11. I completely agree with this i'm a 19year old female and I lost 4 stone in 2 months, my tack tics where incredibly similar to this. the weight loss was brilliant and I felt so much happier in my new clothes but I was constantly feeling Low in myself. so a word of advice to anybody out there who is going to attempted this, good luck but just be prepared to have changes in your moods.

  12. Is any excercise required?

  13. Hi, this is my first week on this diet & so far I've only lost 2lb in 5 days. I've been sticking to below my BMR (quite a lot below) as well as no cals after 3pm but it's going much slower than I expected. Is this normal to start with? Can I expect the loss to speed up? I was really motivated the first few days but am struggling today as the loss is slow & it's Friday & I want food!!
    Any advice gratefully received!


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