Friday 31 August 2012

the flower of life part 1

as many of you will know, recently i've been looking into the things the government are covering up/don't teach us,

in my research i have found many interesting things, but recently i stumbled across this:

This, is the flower of life, it is THE pattern of creation the blue print for life if you will, and it all starts with one circle and expands outwards, this pattern can be found in all major religions of the world, it is how existence itself came into being, WAY before the big bang, so in effect, this pattern, is god, over my next few posts i aim to explain this,

Now, i understand this could be a lot for you to wrap your head round, for years we've been told the universe started with the big bang, but you have to ask yourself, what was in the big bang? and the answer? EVERYTHING, the big bang contained all the matter that's in the universe today (physics tell us that the total energy of the universe is constant, and matter cannot be created our destroyed, only changed from one state to another) science cannot explain where the matter in the big bang came from, the creationists believe that "god created everything" and the creationists with a decent science background could also say "god created the big bang, and left the universe to sort itself out" but this is pure speculation, we simply do not know. This is just one opinion, that i believe to be true, please take time to read this post, and don't believe or disbelieve anything i say, take it as your own and decide on your view from there.

In the beginning there was nothing, absolutely nothing, just a void, with "consciousness" floating around experiencing nothing, (for this to make sense i have to say that all humans are one consciousness as a species, and all the species are linked via consciousness (you can communicate with your cat/dog with your mind if you know how, a little bit of your own research will guide you here (i've tried it, if you take your time and don't rush THIS REALLY WORKS))  

then consciousness created an environment for itself, a 3 dimensional bubble that it could freely travel around in

just like this:

nothing special, just a sphere, however, the radius of this sphere is very important, this is the maximum range of what the consciousness can effect, so to carry on the growth of its existence, consciousness moves to the very edge of its sphere and creates another, of equal radius, and another and another, until eventually the seed of life is developed!
The Seed of Life (a component of the Flower of Life)

you can clearly see all the different circles (ignore the most outer one, that's to end the pattern, this pattern is forever on going and is forever expanding into the void (sounds just like the universe doesn't it?)

Now, this pattern goes on and on, but add one more layer of circles (13 in total (oh, look at that, a number that's considered to have superstitious meaning in society appears so soon in creationism)) you're officially drawing the flower of life, but this 13 circle "flower" cotains a resemblance to the "egg of life" which is the pattern created by the third embryonic division (for those without the science background: sperm and egg fuse, and replicated, 1 becomes 2, then 2 becomes for, then four into eight) and low and behold, the THIRD layer of flower of life resembles (with a bit of joining up)  the THIRD stage of embryonic division, coincidence? or the fact that this pattern is really the blue print for all life on earth?

Image:Egg-of-Life Stages.jpg

so if you continue expanding the flower outwards you eventually get the the pattern i originally showed you:

 (anyone who's studied this in detail will realize there's another shape i've missed, i'm hoping it will flow into my next few posts, if not, look for a special post on the fruit of life)

obviously the pattern can go on and on forever, eternally expanding, but this form is the most common  in all religions, because any more layers was considered to sacred for general use, i haven't expanded the flower beyond this (it is very time consuming drawing all the circles haha) but there is little research behind it due to the level of understanding behind creation being so low.

So that's how the flower of life came into existence, a few of its matches in science, but so far, its just a load of circles, that hopefully i've persuaded you is the blue print for all life on earth.

HOWEVER! it goes much deeper into a world known as "Sacred Geometry" i will go into the basics of this now, but i really suggest you do your own research, its very simple to do! just google "Sacred Geometry" and do a bit of snooping yourself. (this goes for almost everything i talk about in this post, but i will post a useful link to a youtube video that explains a lot of this in more detail)

On the flower of life you might have found your eye automatically started to pick up some patterns, or not, it varies from person to person, hell, from time to time even but there are 5 main shapes of equal lengths on all sides, these are known as the platonic solids and consist of: a tetrahedron (triangular based pyramid) hexahedron (a cube), octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron, these shapes are the ideal, primal models of cyrstal patterns that occur throughout the world of minerals in literally COUNTLESS variations, these shapes are known as "regular polyhedra" and these are the only five, and are made up of equilateral triangles. 

The greeks considered these 5 solids to represent the 5 elements: fire (tetrahedron), earth (cube), air (octahedron) , spirit (also known as ether) [dodecahedron] and water (icosahedron), from here i could go onto the archimedean solids, but thats something you're gonna have to research on your own!
But here is a 2D representation of the platonic solids found in the flower of life  (if you look into this pattern you'll see a lot more than the 9 shapes i actually drew, just from where the lines cross)
if the flower of life is expanded over and over certain shapes begin to show themselves that have references to our worlds history. 

Thats all on the flower of life for now, my next post will be on the Fibonacci sequence and the ratio ph
as promised, that is the link to a video series explaining everything i've touched on, some in less detail than i have, some in more, its four hours long, but well worth the watch

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