Sunday 25 December 2011

well, its that awful time of year again

It's christmas, THE worst day of the year, without fail people will be arguing, shouting, throwing things at/with each other

people will eat SHIT loads, and the majority of the population will be walking around with their top button on their jeans undone (except chavs, this is the one time of year they have the right idea)

The average family will have spent $646 this year on gifts (obviously this includes couples who will have spent no more than a tenner and families of 6 that could have spent thousands) so in england THIS year (running of googles "best guess" of 51 million people in england and assuming everyones in a standard 4 person family (big assumption i know, but it makes the math easier)

a whopping $8,236,500,000 has been spent this year on gifts, and to put that into proper money (i.e Stirling ) means a HUGE £5,283,194,303.99 has been spent in england alone,

too think, if that money was saved, each family would be $600 better off this year, which as a student i know for a fact that money is bloody useful.

So this year when you're opening any gifts you have got, or watching someone open a gift you bought, just stop and think, was that spend REALLY worth it? was what you gave really needed, or even WANTED?

i'm sure people will slate me for hating on christmas, but thats fine, its just scary too look at the facts and figures of it all, and there IS a darker side to this"festive" season that i will not go into on this blog :)



merry christmas all

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