Friday 23 December 2011

anti relgion rant

Right, this is pissing me off something rotten now,

What is it with people FORCING christmas on you? i get it, you're happy because in 2 days is the 2011th anniversary of "jesus christ" BUT IS THAT EVEN WHY YOU'RE HAPPY?! no, probably not, its probably just because of the commercial side of the day, you all expect presents now, and if you don't get what you want you'll go off on some pissy little bitch fit.

well think about this, some people won't be getting ANYTHING this year, and what little they do get they'll be over the moon with, be it a blanket, a new toy, or even something as simple as a hot meal,

so on christmas day when you're all sat around stuffing your faces and end up wasting SOO much food, just remember, some people will be starving and alone this christmas, and if you happen to see someone like that, you'll probably just shun and ignore them like they're not worthy of your attention.

and back to the people that are well off, if someone doesn't WANT to support christmas, because they don't want to, or don't believe in all that religious bull shit, then let them, its their call and unfortunately for you, you can't force them into enjoying the day, or "getting into the spirit" of things.

If someone says they don't want anything for christmas, for WHATEVER REASON, respect their wishes, if you give them something i'm sure they'll act like its just what they wanted, but deep down, they asked for nothing, and feel like they're just being ignored.

This year is my last year at home for christmas, next year i reckon i'll be abroad or just stay up in university.

to those of you who CHOOSE to celebrate christmas, Merry christmas,

for those that don't want to, have a good week or two off work/school/college/university ;D i know i will



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