Wednesday 24 October 2012


So last post was 17 days ago, need something to talk about.... errrmmm HEALTH CARE!

As many of you will know I go off on placements to practice radiography at a hospital, so a lot of what i will say in this post I have seen first hand for myself and it disgusts me!

The health care system (in Britain where it is free, and i assume its worse in America where everyone needs either insurance or to pay for their own treatment) is disgusting, we're convinced that the whole system is there to help us get better, which it is, to a certain extent.

HOWEVER! At a certain age you become no longer "worth" dealing with, because you're not going to be alive long enough for the government (who own the health care system in the uk) to be able to tax you for the treatment (despite the fact that anyone earning a legitimate wage in the uk has to pay taxes and national insurance on it without the choice for their entire life, you'd think that by the time you were in your 80's you'd have paid enough for them to give whatever treatment you needed) so they don't treat, and you get told you're "high risk" and left to it on your own, just a few examples of this that I have seen are:

89 year old woman - fractured neck of femur (part of your femur just below the hip joint for those that don't know) unable to have an operation to fixate the hip/ give a new hip because the general anesthetic is too risky for them and they might not wake up, fair enough, however, they can do that procedure under LOCAL anesthetic, minimal risk to the patients life, and she might have been able to be able to walk around for a good number of years before death, instead, it was pulled and prodded to reduce long term pain and she was sent home to be wheel chair bound for the rest of her life

80 year old man (this was just yesterday!) already a lung cancer sufferer that had refused treatment for the cancer, however he had come in and the x-rays showed he had a collapsed lung, very collapsed, (almost half his lung hand collapsed down in on itself) anyone young enough would have been admitted and attempts to re inflate the lung would be made, if this was not possible a chemical can be injected into the collapsed lung forming scare tissue which benefits the patients breathing in the long term, giving them a better quality of life, guess what happened to him? SENT HOME! bed bound, with time he may recover enough to be able to get up and about, but will suffer shortness of breath and very labored breathing for the rest of his life

Now, so many of you won't see and issue with this, because you'll believe the crap we're fed "old people won't recover anyway" "too risky" blah blah, but just think, when you're 80+ plus and shatter your hip, would you want treatment? I think you would!

Next is the fact that many cancer patients deteriorate very quickly AFTER they've been diagnosed with cancer, even if that cancer has been there for years and has only just been discovered, why? BECAUSE HEALTH PROFESSIONALS PUMP THEM FULL OF TOXINS! We've all heard of chemotherapy, but how many of us actually know what it means? well, breaking down the word its very obvious: chemo: chemicals therapy: well... therapy, so its therapy with chemicals, but what are these chemicals designed to do? KILL CELLS! and as a living organism your body is FULL of cells, chemo doesn't differentiate, it only kills cancer off more quickly because tumors have a greater blood use because they're growing more rapidly, imagine a cancer patient in your mind, they do not look healthy, however, most of the time they only get checked because (for example, lung cancer) they have had a cough for a while, or they found a lump, and thats there ONLY symptom, now, i'm not saying that cancer won't kill you, it will, eventually, but the drugs they use to TREAT it will kill you a damn site faster, yet, the body has its own cancer fighting abilities, which is why theres a load of "anti cancer" diets about nower days, most of them are considered to go no where because why would the health service (who make money off treating you, but more on this later) want to stop some of there longest standing patients from coming to hospital? If you want to fight cancer naturally, the best way is to cleanse and stimulate your pineal gland, which secretes melatonin, which has been linked to the body rejecting and destroying cancer cells (feel free to do some of your own research on this, its out there)

Now, as mentioned earlier, the NHS makes money off treating you, well, not the NHS as such, but the employees of the NHS, anyone that pulls a wage obviously benefits from you going into your doctors/hospital etc.

I'm not at all sure of all costs, but, a chest x-ray is charged to the government at around about £50 per exposure, this is to cover the radiographers wages, the electricity used, and the general upkeep of the machine (which doesn't take much, they get checked maybe once a week, by the radiographers and then every couple of years by a technician providing nothing goes wrong) and you're in the x-ray room for all of 3 minutes to take a chest x-ray, on average.

Each day, i alone, as a student, probably do an average of about 10-15 chest x-rays a day, so that's 500 for about half an hours work, and we receive about 8000 a year in bursaries and expenses, and spend 27 weeks a year working in the hospital, 5 days a week, so that's a profit of about £59000 just off 1 student doing just 10 chest x-rays a day, and theres 22 students on my course, making the profits £1,298,000  of one year of one university ALONE (obviously theres a bit more maths to that but thats just a rough estimate)

And we don't pay a penny directly for it! but it all comes out of our taxes!

We have one of the best health care systems in the world, but there's a lot of corruption and politics behind it



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