Sunday 28 October 2012

cigarettes filters cause more damage than they prevent!

Ask anyone, smoking causes lung cancer, back when pre rolled cigarettes first came about there was no filter in, you just smoked with tobacco in your mouth, but then the little white filters became standard in all cigarettes, a little white solid tube that you put in the end to filter out some of the harmful chemicals, however, new studies have shown that these filters actually do a different type of damage than the tobacco would, one that could be argued is worse than the tobacco itself:

The filters are made up of something called "glass wool" (kinda like fiberglass, which is known to be bad to inhale) when you take a drag, little bits of this glass break off the filter and go into your lung, these bits of glass tear the soft epithelial cells in the lung, meaning that more of the chemicals the filters are intended to stop, have an easier access to your blood stream, this causes cells to get higher doses of the toxins increasing the likely hood of cancer, however, there is more damage done than this.

As the tears heal, they form scar tissue, which is not as effective at stretching and collapsing as healthy lung tissue, this can lead to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) emphysema, and then lung cancer, Chest x-rays of chronic smokers have been known to look like those who were exposed to asbestos, giving what is known as a "ground glass" appearance, these white areas are scar tissue, but the continuous damaging and repairing of the tissues leads to lesions developing, and this is where cancer is more likely to develop.

I'm not saying people shouldn't smoke, just that hand rolled with roach or even cotton wool, would be better  for you in the long term.

off to watch house now ;)



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