Sunday 7 October 2012

Time is false

Ask a child, we have 12 hours of day, 12 hours of night, and that makes sense if you look at the standard 12-12 clock, say sunset is about 7 pm that means sunrise is about 7 am, and this is pretty constant, given a few hours differences at key times (we're near the top of the earth so get less sunlight than in summer due to the earths axis)

but the actual order of time is very different, sticking with the average clock and based on "government recommended" sleep patterns we can see we have more "hours" in the day that first given to us.

We start our day at work at about 9 am, or 0900 hours, we will call this time 00:00
then as each hour progresses we add another hour to 00:00, but assuming an average 8 hour working day:
0900 - 0000 < work day starts
1000- 0100
1100 - 0200
1200 - 0300
1300 - 0400
1400 - 0500
1500 - 0600
1600- 0700
1700 - 0800 < work day finishes
1800- 0900
1900 - 1000
2000 - 1100
2100 - 1200
2200 - 1300
2300 - 1400 < most  lights are out by now
0000 - 1500
0100 - 1600
0200 - 1700
0300 - 1800
0400 - 1900
0500 - 2000
0600 - 2100
0700 - 2200 < people start to wake up here
0800 - 2300
0900 - 0000

As i have mentioned before in great detail here, we only  need 3 hours sleep a night, so we lose 5 hours to pointless sleep making us zombifide

we have 4 bonus hours each day that aren't considered "useful" as they're "down time" from the days work, and we spend this time where? sat in front of the TV getting brain washed, how many times have you gone to bed thinking "well, that was a waste of a day" or "i really wish i'd done task x"? this is because we spend all our time staring at a box, This box is filling your head with ideas and you're not even remembering them, you're loosing that time to the tv,

we're all being brain washed and conditioned to think the way THEY want, even down to the simple adverts that are shown on tv are bombarding our senses with ideas and messages that sit in our subconscious and loiter, this has been proven and used in the media before.

First example:
the macdonalds cartoons in England with the hamburgerler  and his friends, these used to flash up Marlborough cigarette packets up on screens, not aimed at the kids, but the adults subconscious,  getting them to smoke, explaining why a lot of elders smoke, however, as kids brains were like sponges, they also absorbed the message, however, the law stopped them from smoking for many years, but at high school, a lot, if not most, people try smoking, because they were bombarded with these images as children!  thats why the smoking ages has moved constantly with the 1989-1992 generation, to try and control the smoking messages that were implanted by restricting access, this was a contingency plan they CLEARLY decided upon at the time of showing the cartoons, now think back to those shows, they hardly seem memorable, because they are brainwashed out of you as soon as the damage is done, scary isn't it!

Second example:
it was well known that adverts used to use subliminal messages to sell their products, however, this was made illegal recently, but it doesn't mean its been stopped, just that they got more sly and influencing...

Also, in the George bush campaign (i want to say against al gore, but i'm not 100% sure) there was a subliminal message from bush's party, in a party political broadcast (or equivalent in America)  where bushes party was outlining gores (assumption, correct me if i'm wrong please. these things are easily re-searchable) and the word "RATS" flashed up, just a frame to quickly for it to be seen running full speed (but your subconscious still saw it, your brain just didn't register it process worthy, but it still had to detect it to decide that, planting the message) this was found by people slowing down the real time recordings by a few frames per second, this shows how sloppy bushes party were at assassinating their opponents policies, they knew they were going to win because the Rothschild were going to make it so, because this kept them in power and with control of effectively the world.

haha, post about robbing time, flowed into brainwashing, then onto political corruption and the controllers of the world.

who says i don't have a brain :P
even if its wrong haha



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