Wednesday 31 October 2012


So Carlisles' MP got back to me regarding the fluoride levels  in the drinking water:

Starting to make waves, but i have got in touch with United Utilities myself (through use of the freedom of information act) to see if the results i receive collaborate with the results Mr Stevenson passes onto me, should be interesting (letter screen shot below) 

But whats most interesting is the fact that this came from the house of commons, this is the first letter i have received from the house of commons, when, normally, back home when I contacted Gordon Prentice about "trivial" local things (trying to organize local activities for youth, requesting lighting on the local basket ball courts etc.) i always received letters from his personal office in Pendle, so that can be taken two ways: 1) Mr Stevenson is a frequent visitor of the house of commons or 2) this has gone higher than any request I've ever made about a local matter (bearing in mind i only asked for a reason behind it, not levels) i REALLY hope its the latter, because it means i'm making bigger waves than i thought... -shrugs- we'll see

letter to United Utilities as promised:

Lots of people have been questioning my motives behind this, and while yes i DO want fluoridation of drinking water to be removed from the country, really, showing that one 20 year old from such a small low income area with absolutely no political pull what so ever ca make a change, will hopefully persuade people that things CAN be changed just by being strong and standing up for what they believe in, meaning that more people will get off their backsides and start fighting for some real world issues, just in numbers, and in numbers, we will have greater influence!


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