Sunday 27 January 2013

The period of awakening is begining

The period of awakening is beginning, and more of our DNA is being "unlocked" soon, we will "discover" 6 stranded, then 8, then 10 and finally 12, and when we FINALLY reach 12 strands of DNA, our metamorphosis will begin!

These 4 stranded DNA molecules are not new, but they have not been present in the human race since the very first Egyptian kings (when we had 12 strands) (I.e the ones who built the great pyramid of giza) these activations of DNA will allow us to access different dimensions, as if it was nothing, we currently live on the 3rd dimension of consciousness, 2 stages above crystals (Yup, crystals are actually "alive" they have feelings, and energies just like us, we just aren't aware of them (but they do influence us))

4th of consciousness means that the current laws of physics will no longer apply, we will be able to summon anything by thinking of it (i think, been a while since i did levels of being) and the gravity will no longer hold us in place, we will have the ability to go where ever we please just by thinking it (VERY similar to astral projection, well, it IS astral projection) we will also begin to understand how to travel DOWN in consciousness (i.e we will be able to flit between the 3rd and fourth dimensions)

This rise in consciousness is also rumored to be linked to increased body size (hence why all the Egyptian buildings have different sized people stood/sat/knelt before them, these are believed to be actual life sized replicas of the pharaohs who were ruling at the time.

First we learned that the universe grew like a brain (well, a brain grows like the universe)
Now we're learning that humans can have more than the double helix structure we're all taught at school
I wonder what's next?
science learns about the energies the chakra hold? and how their imbalances upset our internal workings?
Or maybe we will "rediscover" the flower of life and its true relevance to human existence (and that of the universe)

Cannit fucking wait


OOOO bold text

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