Tuesday 22 January 2013

health benifits of cannabis

Cannabis, in its psychoactive form (i.e NOT hemp) can be used to treat a long long list of medical ailments, from cancer, to migraines, yet it is considered "dangerous" because of one reason, it threatens sooo many industries, if cannabis were to be legalized for at least medical purposes pharmaceutical companies would go bankrupt. as along with the ten benefits mentioned in this video it also:

Boosts your immune system,
Increases melatonin production (a key hormone in fighting cancer, and is also responsible for your sleep cycles)
As it helps with inflammation (through the ecannabinoid system, discussed later) pure cannabis smoke (as that taken from a bong or vaporizer, not from a joint (or "marijuana cigarette" :') ) is EXCELLENT for asthmatics

The ecannabinoid system (which is influenced by cannabis (clues in the name really) ) is responsible for:

Inflammation reactions

Controls your stress reaction (ever seen someone who's smoking cannabis be stressed? some people even smoke it before exams to settle their nerves)

Memories (cannabis has been linked to helping those with PTSD forgetting their traumatic experiences as it affects short term memory)

Controls your appetite (hence why you get the "munchies" a minor side effect for recreational users, but for someone with leukemia, it can help them eat again, and we all know you need to eat to survive)

It also influences female reproduction (smoking cannabis reduces the likely hood of pregnancy in females with high anandamide, and increases the likely hood of pregnancy in females with low anandamide)

And many more

And in a select few, cannabis actually IMPROVES mental abilities, meaning they are smarter while high from cannabis than not (people have done IQ tests whilst not high, and whilst high and their IQ increased by 15 points (anyone who knows anything will tell you that your IQ at 18 is pretty much your IQ for life, as suggested in this study http://health.ninemsn.com/whatsgoodforyou/theshow/694230/can-you-increase-your-iq ) (allowed to talk about past use providing I'm not promoting, merely stating a fact that is true, and sharing my own knowledge of the drug)

Should something with so many medical benefits, really be withheld from the general population JUST because it will take money away from big companies?

Philosophical and academic right to discuss alternative forms of treatment,
can't reference anything though, this is just some of my own knowledge from years of reading independent studies (but Google it, you'll see I'm right )


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