Tuesday 5 June 2012

Bank holidays

Have you ever thought about what a bank holiday is?
Its a day us, the general population, don't have access to the banks and they say that they're closed, but they cant be closed really, if someone with trillions of pounds in the bank rings up, and says "hey, erm, I'd like to transfer 20 billion from x account to y account they're not gonna say "oh, no sorry you can't do that we're closed!" Think of the money the banks can make from that transaction "oh yeah there's a 5 million transfer fee, oh yes sir that's 1/10th of the price because its bank holiday and there's not many transactions going through, the lines are clearer" 5 million or 50 million is nothing to these people, okay, maybe that's an over shoot but the banks could make a mint from today.

And why don't we notice? Because we get a day off, we get to sit about watching TV or maybe going out side, they can't be productive days because everythings shut, unless you need to do some repairs or something. So we get this day to make our houses better, or to relax and do nothing.

And today is the second consecutive bank holiday in 2 days (monday and today are bank holidays in england because of the queens jubilee)
So the whole countries watching the jubilee, and a lot of the world are too because most of the world bums the royal family.
If you look into the news today an al quieda (sp?) Deputy was aimed upon by a drone, the stock market has fallen 17 points, and the G3 summit is putting together an emergency bill on the future running of the world, it'll all be on the news but briefly.

Its amazing what's really going on in the world when you look past what's entertaining the simple masses, its a shame that the royal family have been used as smoke and mirrors for all these big events.

Got an awful lot of spare time on my hands at the moment ;)



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