Wednesday 25 May 2011

hehehe bloggers are all perves (turns into a rant, with LOTS of swearing)

Since my last post my number of views has like, gone up by a third :') apparently you're all searching for a bit of celeb tottie ;)

Sososososoooooo tired today, just couldn't be arsed with 2 out of my 3 classes, so, i didn't go XD i sat alone and revised by the river (if you ask me, this was time better spent than cooped up in stuffy classrooms listening to brenda and robin drone on and on about the few topics i actually understand, plus, if robin tells me to put my phone away one more time when half the class is texting, he will get a lit Bunsen somewhere nasty.... at least it'll cauterize the wound i guess xD

and don't get me started on brenda

its just my luck that some of the people that get on my wick quickest happen to be teachers =/ I was happy with how things were last year, then everything gets changed and it fucks up the whole learning system.

-sigh- really, N&CC isn't that good, first year, you get LOADS of support, second year, you get left high and dry, LET THIS BE A LESSON TO YEE if anyone is planning of taking A LEVEL SCIENCE at Nelson and Colne College, be prepared to be shunned come the second year (assuming they haven't cut science by then -_-)

tomorrow, i'm going in, and i'm fully expecting a massive kick off by all the teachers whose lessons i ditched, and when they ask me why i didn't go i don't think they'll like the "i couldn't be arsed, and i think that i would be better learning without you constantly asking me if "that's okay?" IF I NEED HELP, I WILL MOTHER FUCKING ASK FOR IT

wow, so full of pent up rage today :) mebbe i shall stab someone (if anyone reads this and then i get a cop knocking at my door, i will not be impressed, i am not really going to stab someone, any stabbings i do will not be premeditated, and therefore if the stabbee dies, i will only get time for man slaughter, not murder :) )

so yeah, got home stressed and wanted to do some retail shopping, but there's nothing i want, so i bought sarah a new iPod (she'll thank me for it eventually ;) all she's said so far is "osm" :') ) then fucking barclays rang me up and said that they thought i was someone stealing my details, (which is great, if it was someone actually stealing my details i'd be pleased) but they asked me some questions that anyone could guess (except my secret number i guess)

but all this because i spent 140 quid? i spent 500 not so long ago fgs and they didn't ring me -_- stupid automated system blanking my account and stopping me buying osm things for my osm friends

spoke (at some length) with sophie today, and realized how much i miss her :( and i'm gonna see her less and less when i'm at uni :'( i hope she comes to visit and stuff =/

such a busy day, and such a fucking annoying day, maybe tomorrow will be better?



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