Sunday 26 April 2015

So I still suck at this :(

Always did and always will sorry guys, not forgotten about my promise to post my logs from gran canaria but it's proving difficult

I currently live with a Girl (would say woman but you'll see why not I'm sure) Called Sam
We were good friends but when you live with someone you start to learn everything about them and frankly, it's upsetting, Sams very set in her ways, she tries to play it off as OCD but realistically she's just anal, I kinda get the impression through her whole life people have just accepted who she is and morphed their lives around her (she's a "goth" (something else that does my head in, she's labeled herself that and is desperate to fit the stereo type)) 

I'm very adventurous as I'm sure you all know, open to trying crazy things, will give most things a go, but the result of that is my life is extremely chaotic, one day I might be obsessed with one idea, the next it will be something very different, it's not that I lose interest, it's that I go as far as I can with the idea and move on, one day the idea may come back, or it may not, it's the reccouring ideas I try and adapt my life to. (For example I'm now vegetarian, for years I'd considered it on and off but I finally took the leap last April) 

Sam however, does the same things day in, day out, week in, week out, ect. She is very set on routine, and any alteration to that routine is a major no go and she'll avoid it like the plague, she's going to live the same old week until she retires, or dies. But she can get very immature about things that don't fit her pattern.

For example, I watch a lot of ted talks, whenever it's on she'll go watch a drama in her room, at first I thought "who the fuck hides from knowledge" then realised she doesn't like her perception on the world to be changed.

But if she's watching something I don't sulk and stomp upstairs with a brew, I'll sit and watch, or draw, or read an article online, it's honestly like living with a 17 year old, not a 27 year old!

Now, I have two theories on this, one I favour more than the other;

A) her mums schizophrenic (she's told me this) and pyschiatric patients require structure and patterns in their life to maintain sanity, either her mum has passed this habit onto her and she's taken it to the extreme.

B) she's a narcissist and genuinely believes she's the centre of the universe (this is plausible as she doesn't share feelings, but she may just not share tem with me, as I don't share mine with her (she's quick to dismiss things so why bother?))

It's very frustrating but either way I desperately need my own place again soon...


1 comment:

  1. Hi Liam. MTV's Ridiculousness is interested in airing your video:
    my brother being a dick :')

    Please email me ASAP at to discuss. Thanks!


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