Saturday 18 May 2013


So, not posted for 3 months, plenty has happened

We had placement, which i don't really remember much of because i was traveling to and from newcastle from carlisle every day, so was knackered for sooo much of the time there

then we had a month of, and then eXaMs D:

Fuck me they did not go well, well, they went okay, but one of them has by far over shadowed all the rest,  as regular readers will know, i'm studying Diagnostic Radiography at university, meaning i am receiving training in anatomy, and in the taking, and reading of, many different types of medical imaging, from plain x-ray to PET/CT scans, however, one thing we don't really do in great depth, is Ultrasound (we're becoming radiographers not sonographers for god sake)

So along came this exam, it was an osce (sit at computers, loads of images come up, you have to interpret them and talk about them on the answer sheet you're given) as the exam was for anatomy, we all expected nice, clinically perfect drawn images to come up, instead of images acquired by Medical Imaging, maybe with the odd chest x-ray and a CT scan thrown in.

We were ssoooo wrong,

The first question, diagram of the male urinary system (not including the kidneys) asked to label. including the prostate, not so bad, everyone seemed fairly happy, until question two came along,

it was an ultrasound scan of god knows what with god knows what condition, no idea where the transducer (ultrasound wand) was placed, no idea what sort of image it was transverse (across) or longitudinal (up and down)

it just got worse and worse from there really,

Everyone was livid, made me giggle a bit at how angry everyone was :P

But life goes on,

Go back on placement on monday :) bought my tickets today, which involved getting the train to newcastle to by a metro pass (wasn't as dramatic as i expected, went rather smoothly if i do say so myself)

got back about an hour and a half ago now chilling thinking about watching house to get me syked up for placement hahaha

that and its the only series i have on my laptop, and i can't be arsed going to get my hardrive (by which i mean i don't know where it is :P )

Errm, nothing else new really

everyones gone home for summer now, which is depressing, i'm all alone in scumbria :(
