Its exam time, and lots of students will be
desperate to extend their hours of wakefulness so they can fit as much
study in as possible (or soon will be) and many of them will turn to
drugs such as caffeine to keep them awake and alert for longer, however,
putting chemicals into your brain is a BAD thing, especially things
that speed up the brains processing speeds too much as the neurons begin to misfire and signals don't go where they're supposed to.
But there is a much better way to stay awake, and that, is white light,
no chemicals, some people would argue no particles at all! (but then we
get into photons vs waves, packets verses continuous energy blah blah)
and what causes this wakefulness? our old friend the pineal gland.
The pineal gland secretes melatonin, and as few people know, melatonin
fights cancer, but a more known fact, is that melatonin controls the
sleep wake cycles of the body,
Normally, melatonin levels
begin to rise in the mid- to late evening, remain high for most of the
night, and then drop in the early morning hours, so the best time to
fight cancer is when you're sleeping, huh, being awake CAN increase your
risk of cancer, so there's a down side, but you'll sleep and the risks
will level out after exam times.
The reason why melatonin
levels alter throughout the day is due to the amount of light, as light
affects melatonin production, during shorter, darker days, the body will
produce more melatonin and its levels will increase earlier in the day
than usual, this change CAN lead to symptoms of seasonal affective
disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression, so by staying up longer
with this light you reduce your risk of that.
This is due to
the darker days and longer night time periods we experience in the
winter months, (ever noticed you feel more tired or gloomy on a grim wet
day? its not JUST because of the weather, or it is, because the clouds
are stopping the sun light)
So, if melatonin increases you
become sleepy, this happens at night, so the converse must be true for
during the day, melatonin decreases, you feel more awake, when the sun
is out, so the best way to feel more awake? Have a very white light in
your room.
It is worth noting (but not going into) that
different wavelengths have different effects on wakefulness, red light,
for example, promotes melatonin production, making you feel more sleepy,
white light is the best, but certain wavelengths will have
increased/decreased effects
providing you sleep and get SOME REM sleep, your brain will process the information still :)
more interesting than revision xD
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